Founder and Director
China-Eurasia Council for Political and Strategic Research
Mher D Sahakyan is the editor of Routledge Handbook of Chinese and Eurasian International Relations and China and Eurasian Powers in Multipolar World Order: Security, Diplomacy, Economy and Cybersecurity. He also edited (along with Heinz Gärtner) China and Eurasia: Rethinking Cooperation and Contradictions in the Era of Changing World Order, published by Routledge in September 2021. He is the author of the book China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Armenia, published in Armenian and Russian. It was shortlisted by the International Convention of Asia Scholars in Leiden, Netherlands, for its 2021 book prize. Mher is also the author of “The New Great Power Competition in Central Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for the Gulf,” a contribution published in 2021 by the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy in the United Arab Emirates. Mher is the founder and director of the China‑Eurasia Council for Political and Strategic Research, a foundation in Armenia. He holds a doctorate in international relations from China’s Nanjing University.
Mher D Sahakyan was an AsiaGlobal Fellow at the Asia Global Insitute of the University of Hong Kong (2020/21 and 2022). During his fellowship, he authored nine articles for AsiaGlobal Online. In 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia’s Supreme Certifying Committee awarded him an associate professorship in political science. He is a 2024 LEWI Visiting Fellow at the David C. Lam Institute for East‑West Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. He is an elected advisory board member of the International Institute for Peace, Austria, and the School of Liberal Arts & Humanities, Woxsen University, India. Mher is also a member of the International Political Science Association and the Author’s Licensing and Collecting Society. He is the founder of the Eurasian Research on Modern China and Eurasia annual international conference. Mher has received invitations to showcase his research as a keynote speaker at the Renmin University, Corvinus University of Budapest, University of Calicut, and as a speaker at the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, International Institute for Peace, Moscow State University, Eastern Economic Forum, University of Hong Kong, Shanghai University, University of Edinburgh, King’s College London, Academic Council on the United Nations System, Delegation of the EU to China, City University of Hong Kong, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Istanbul Gedik University, and several others.
As an AsiaGlobal Fellow, his research has focused on analyzing China's pivot towards Eurasia and its impact on the changing world order, the Digital Silk Road initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union.
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The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong