Asia Global Institute

Will RMB Internationalization Transform the World's Financial System?

Friday, August 7, 2015

Will RMB Internationalization Transform the World's Financial System?

China may be the world's second largest economy today, but has its financial system caught up? An expert panel examines the issues surrounding the internationalization of the RMB.

Held in association with The University of Hong Kong, the Fung Global Institute's public seminar on China's Financial Future discussed possible ways forward for China's powerful currency, the Renminbi, and addressed issues and potential concerns triggered by China's Shadow Banking sector.

SESSION: Will RMB Internationalization Transform the World's Financial System?

Moderator: Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate and Academic Council Chairman, Fung Global Institute


  • Robert Aliber, Professor Emeritus of International Economics and Finance, The University of Chicago
  • Akinari Horii, Special Advisor and Member of the Board of the Canon Institute for Global Studies
  • Helen Wong, Group General Manager and Chief Executive, Greater China, HSBC

Academic Council Chairman Michael Spence and his panel were all in agreement that there were great benefits to be had with an international RMB. But there were questions about whether China's government and its central bank were ready for the unintended consequences that having an openly convertible currency might trigger.


China's Financial Future: RMB Internationalization Transform Worlds Financial System Video


Room 326-348, Main Building
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong

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