Asia Global Institute

リバランス エズラ・F・ヴォーゲル著 聞き手:加藤嘉一 米中日の今後 老大家が語る

Monday, November 4, 2019

リバランス エズラ・F・ヴォーゲル著 聞き手:加藤嘉一 米中日の今後 老大家が語る

“Rebalance: Japan, China and the United States in the New Era”, co-authored by Ezra Vogel, Harvard University Professor Emeritus and Yoshikazu Kato of the Asia Global Institute, has received yet another positive review, this time by Nikkei.

The review commends the straightforward read for helping readers gain a comprehensive understanding of the relations among China, Japan and the US. In the book, Vogel and Kato argue that the Communist Party’s tightening control of the freedom of expression and suppression of civil movements is driven by a fear of the collapse of the regime, which was what happened to the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev. The co-authors also note that China’s increasing assertive foreign policy is dangerously similar to Japan’s during the Second World War.


Yoshikazu Kato

Research Fellow, Rakuten Securities Economic Research Institute

Yoshikazu Kato


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The University of Hong Kong
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